Welcome to my site! I'm Pat Hallbick, a professional software engineer and hobbyist modder, video editor, and voice actor.
Here you can find information about projects I've worked on, contact information, and
work experience, as well as some smaller things I enjoy.
Below, you can check out my
Github, or you can see a quick summary of a number of my projects by clicking
Projects in the navigation bar.
Do you want to get in touch with me?
Check out the
Contact section and I'll get back to you as soon as I'm able.
About Me
I've been a career software engineer for over 5 years, and have worked professionally in development
for nearly 10.
I specialize in continuous integration and deployment, technical communication, and heuristic analysis.
In my time in-field I've worked with a number of languages and technologies, though I am generally
most familiar with Rust, C++, and Python for systems development, Python and JavaScript for serverless and
distributed deployment, and Svelte, Vue, and React for front-end web development.
I have worked in a more limited capacity with C#, Java, Kotlin, PHP, Perl, and a number of smaller or domain-specific
languages and technologies.
About This Site
This site is a derivative of a personal project and portfolio piece of mine.
It is a static site generated using Node + Pug and deployed automatically to AWS via S3,
where it is routed through CloudFront.
As a matter of design, this site intentionally uses no JavaScript and only relatively standardized CSS features.